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1. Biobanks and their role in medicine

1.1 Introduction - definition, structure and function of biobanks

1.2 Clinical issues of biobanking

1.3 Roles of biobanks in comprehensive cancer centres

2. Precision medicine

2.1 The concept of precision medicine

2.2 Spin off companies and personalised medicine

3. Biomarkers

3.1 Circulating biomarkers - research and clinical use

3.2 Indications and interpretation of biomarkers in oncology

3.3 Statistical methods for evaluation of biomarkers

4. Laboratory techniques

4.1 Liquid biobanking

4.2 Immunoanalytical methods

4.3 Tissue handling

4.4 Combination of laboratory and pathological methods – prostate cancer management

5. Experience with biobanks

Practical exercises in the Department of Immunochemical Diagnostics and Biobank of the University Hospital Pilsen and the Institute of Pathology and Biobank of the University of Regensburg